Thursday, June 30, 2011


When I first arrived in Athens, the Lord made it very clear that there were going to be a ton of distractions, but He wanted me to be very careful not to get distracted by the busyness of life and ministry. He was clear that there were a lot of good things that I could do in ministry, but He didn't want me to do good things. He wanted me to do what He told me to do. So I've tried to fight to not get caught up in both the busyness of life and the busyness of ministry. It's hard, and sometimes it overwhelms me, but I've tried.

When family drama comes and distracts, or when illness comes, or when people move or decisions have to be made, fighting the busyness of life becomes difficult. I have to take a step back and remember that none of it matters. The only thing that matters is Christ and Him crucified and raised on the third day. He is the ONLY thing that matters and if what I'm doing right now is what HE wants me to do, then wonderful, if not then I need to stop, turn, and ask what HIS purpose for me is and go do it. If that means I clean bathrooms, babysit, cook, repair fences, or if it means I preach on the street, lead Bible discussions, lead ministry, serve in ministry; Then I do it and I do it all for Christ. AS the apostle Paul says in Philippians 'All that I counted as gain, I now count as loss for sake of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord'

So let it be Lord. Amen.

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